시골 정자를 둘러싼 '쇠창살' 여기가 교회라고? '경악' 추천곡_ CHRISTIAN
- 기사 작성일
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가까이 가보니 정자에 쇠창살이 둘러쳐 있고, 밖에서 잠글 수 있는 철체 출입문이 달려 있습니다.
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또 다른 60대 장애인은 혼자 지내는 자신을 돌봐주겠다는 목사 말만 믿고 지난해 교회에 들어왔지만 기초생활수급비 100여만 원과 현금 카드 모두를 빼앗겼습니다.
2명의 장애인에게 갈취한 금액만 무려 천여 만 원.
장애인들 학대 혐의를 받는 목사가 있는 교회입니다. 보시는 것처럼 교회가 마을 깊숙이 위치해 있어 학대사실을 인근 마을 주민들은 알기 어려웠습니다.
목사 부부와 장애인 6명이 함께 지냈는데, 장애인을 치료하던 병원에서 몸의 상처를 보고 학대 의심 신고를 하면서 경찰 수사가 시작됐습니다.
이에 대해 목사 측은 훈육 차원에서 때린 사실은 인정하지만, 상처는 넘어져서 생긴 것이라고 주장했고 철장은 자신의 딸이 놀기 위해 만든 시설이라고 해명했습니다.
유튜브 영상에 문제가 있을 때는 해 주세요. 알려주시면 문제가 없는 영상으로 교체합니다.
- 수록앨범
- 노래
- Zior Park
- 작곡
- Zior Park, Rockitman, Hanbin Kim
- 작사
- Zior Park
Money makes me feel better
You told me it was a ticket to hell
ok how come?
Do you think that I'm a devil?
Sex makes me feel better
how could you judge me?
I know you don't deserve to
Now You act like a Pharisee
When I was poor my mom was stressed out
Now look
money made me a good boy to my mom
When I was poor I was like a hungry fox
Now look I saved a lotta buddies
from the basement
I just bought a Christian
it's blinging on my body
I'm toasting with celebrities at the same bar
Hey pretty do you wanna fuck with me?
That's no problem
But Sunday morning is coming
I gotta go to church
I'm still fucking christian
Though I'm wearing new 'Christian'
You should check my algorithm
It's not much different from the old me
I'm still fucking christian
Though I'm wearing new 'Christian'
You should check my algorithm
It's not much different from the old me
I'm still fucking christian
I'm still fucking christian
I'm still fucking
Stinky smell's stuck in my room
Even after I took a shower
How can I erase it
Where's the origin ?
Hey Mr. I'm talking about you
What's funny? Seriously?
You feel this disgusting smell
I think it's from your stinky breath
Street people you think you're smart
You think you got no god
But I know you worship yourself
What a stupid god ! Is your god a liar?
Your god is so outrageous you would better die
I just bought a Christian it's blinging on my body
I'm toasting with celebrities at the same bar
Hey pretty do you wanna fuck with me?
That's no problem
But Sunday morning is coming
I gotta go to church
I'm still fucking christian
Though I'm wearing new 'Christian'
You should check my algorithm
It's not much different from the old me
I'm still fucking christian
Though I'm wearing new 'Christian'
You should check my algorithm
It's not much different from the old me
I'm still fucking christian
I'm still fucking christian
I'm still fucking
Oh lord forgive my people
I didn't know what I've done
Oh lord Look at my finger
dirt is stuck in my nails
Oh lord please clean my tongue
it's covered by pukes and phlegms
Oh mom now I get it why you told me
that you wanna go back when I was a child
I'm still fucking christian